Monday, January 12, 2009

Fat Stanley

Folks, why isn't this girl smiling?
(Answer below. )
For my first-ever post, I present to you....the fattest baby who ever lived. Here he is, the day he came into the world. When I was pregnant with Cameron, I had a medical condition (three-vessel cord) which sometimes results in lower birth-weight babies. Still, he weighed 9 pounds at birth, which should have been our first clue.

Now at just shy of nine months, he is this really a word?....GINORMOUS. He wears size 18-24 month clothes and naked, resembles a sharpei. For you doubters out there, undeniable proof:

Yep, that's over 25 pounds on that scale, and my back hurts. He's going to "lap" Meredith, who agreed to be the compare and contrast picture above (fully clothed, with shoes and everything). She looks kind of glum because she knows that very soon he's going to be able to beat her up even though she's 2 1/2 years older.


  1. Oh, my scrumptious chubbiness. I want to pinch him so bad I can't stand it!!!

  2. Who's our gal... Who's our gal... VENETIA, VENETIA, GOOOOOO VENETIA! I love your first post, in true "V" style. So great to see your gorgeous babies!! Cameron's bath must take an extra 20 minutes for the rolls alone. Yummy!

  3. Can I just squeeze that kid? He has got all of my little chubby babies beat and I thought that couldn't be done. You need serious back support. We'll all pray that he walks early!
